
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Develop Leadership Qualities

Leadership is a behavioral skill, so it can be learned. Away from your day-to-day work, you can develop leadership skills in supportive organizations such as community service clubs, school committees and sports clubs. If you join such organizations and accept responsibilities and achieve success, you will build your confidence and improve your communication skills. Good speaking, listening, writing, and meeting skills are essential for successful managers. Managers should have a vision for the organization and the enthusiasm to accomplish that vision. To be a successful manager and leader, you must be accepted by your staff and earn their respect. You must become people-oriented, “down-to-earth” in your thinking, and flexible in your management style. You must seek the support of all staff and be able to motivate and excite them. Advocating a grand vision is useless unless the vision can be achieved. Enlightened leadership about understands the needs of the people in your organization, acting on their worthwhile recommendations and allowing others to accept credit for success. Be prepared to lead from the front. Set high standards both at work and in your private life. To be a leader, act and dress like one. The most successful managers work very hard, yet they always seem to have time to talk to their staff. Set yourself personal goals and objectives and work to achieve them. Reflect and objectively evaluate your successes and failures, and be honest with yourself.